Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Catching Up.

I have done a few small stitching projects in the past year as well as stitching on my Scotland Mandala and done a LOT of crocheting. Here are a few of the small stitching I have completed. This one is called Christmas Fruit Basket by Primitive Cross Stitch. I changed the star and put a little Cardinal on mine. I had seen another stitcher friend of mine do this and she sent me the charted change. I love cardinals and like it better this way.
This cutie is called Christmas Eve Ride by Needle Bling Designs.
I have also begun The Summer Schoolhouse Lessons by Brenda Gervais. I love her designs. I have finished 2 of them so far......the letters A-K.
And here is some of my crocheting done in the past year or so.....mostly all given away as gifts.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Claudette497 said...

You have done a lot of crocheting! Your work is beautiful!