Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Sun.........I SEE THE SUN !!!

Well, the whole weekend wasn't a wash out. This morning I see the sun is out, so maybe I will be in a better mood today. Yesterday I got NO stitching done. I was just in a "Blue Funk" or something, and I slept and slept. I guess I needed it maybe? Anyway, today I got up bright and early, and framed a piece that I finished stitching a while back. It is called Perennial Border by The Drawn Thread. This is a frame I found at the Goodwill, and recycled it. I think it is the perfect size. I will hang it in my bedroom, and it will be just perfect in there. It looks crooked in the frame in the picture, but it really isn't.

Here's hoping I can get some stitching in today between loads of laundry. LOL

Enjoy your Sunday.


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